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C&R Chosen to Beta Test Apple TV


C&R was given a “Developers” version a month before the new Apple TV product was released to the public in November. 

C&R’s little app company, Ingenious Robot, was picked to try it out and give Apple feedback. We’ll be on Midwest talk shows giving our explanation of this game changer technology.  Think of Apple TV as a massive iPad, with all the cool apps to go along with it. The Siri function is very cool.

We think Apple TV will entice more people to unplug from cable and dish services. Apple TV streams TV programs through the Internet allowing users to pick and choose the programs they want and only pay for those.

So if you already have broadband, you’ll likely only be paying an extra $20 to $40 bucks a month for paid services such HBO, ShowTime, ect. A bunch of network programs from NBC, ABC and CBS come free with Apple TV.

We think cable will be around for a long time, but Apple TV could put a dent in the cable business over the next 10 to 20 years.

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