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Apple Grants C&R “Enterprise Apple App License”

In the past, we invested in startups. This time, we are the startup.

C&R now builds apps for Apple and Android. Apple granted our “Enterprise App License” last month. This makes us a product company and not just a marketing firm.

Last January, for the first time, Americans used smart phone and tablet apps more than PCs to access the Internet. “We’ve seen this Internet trend coming, so last year we added to our web development team and brought in a computer scientist,” said C&R partner Joe Ross. “Our long histomobile-stats-vs-desktop-users-global-550x405ry with graphic arts complements our web development, and building apps complements everything we do — including our in-house video capabilities.”

C&R will own and operate its first few apps. After that, we’ll open up our services to customers. What’s unique about our approach is our deep connections with computer scientists at the University of Michigan and Michigan State University. Their ties to Silicon Valley keep us in the forefront of app programming.

Our handcrafted apps are mobile experiences customized from the ground up. Our programs will be native to Apple and Android.

  • Downloaded from the Apple App store or the Google Play Store
  • Enhanced user experiences
  • Optimized for speed and performance across devices
  • Operated without Internet connectivity
  • Developed specifically for the devices they live on

Mobile devices accounted for 55% of Internet usage in the United States in January. Apps made up 47% of Internet traffic and 8% of traffic came from mobile browsers, according to data from comScore, cited last month by research firm Enders Analysis. PCs came in at 45%.

apple-approves-crAlthough total Internet usage on mobile devices has previously exceeded that on PCs, this is the first time it’s happened for app usage alone. The shift follows a free fall in PC sales, which suffered their worst decline in history last year.

Smartphone adoption, meanwhile, increased 39%, according to research firm IDC. This trend will likely continue, thanks to improved user experience on mobile apps and the expansion of high-speed 4G access.

Mobile devices and apps are the cars and wheels of the information age. As a marketing firm, C&R accelerates the growth of Michigan and Midwest companies. Our move into creating apps makes us an economic engine as well — gratuitous auto metaphor intended.

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